Kronos TFF system as a tool for process development as part of QbD


Kronos TFF system as a tool for process development as part of QbD


Tangental Flow Filtration (TFF) aka Cross Flow Filtration, is a critical step in downstream bioprocessing and has its unique set of challenges.

Using the TFF technique has major advantages: unlike a dead-end impact filter, the product stream in TFF moves in parallel to the filter. This allows solids to be kept in solution and minimizes the buildup of a “filter cake” which can foul the membrane.

However, downstream processing departments struggle on topics like:
“How can I do TFF process development meeting QBD requirements?“
“How can TFF be more reliable and better optimized for process-driven systems?”

Fortunately, today’s industrial design — even in compact, benchtop TFF systems — provides for accurate and continuous transitions to scaling up.


What did we learn?

Use of an automated and flexible tangential flow filtration system as a tool for process development.

During the lecture we will describe typical process development methods, also taking into consideration cleaning, product yield and economical aspects. A case study “Recovery and Concentration of Cell Culture-Derived rVSV-Spike Vaccine Candidate for Covid-19” will serve as an example.



Isaac Attias
Downstream processing application support
Solaris Biotech


If you want to lear more about TFF solution check our dedicated session or configure your system here.

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